Do you need orthotics?

Jul 10, 2014

Custom foot orthotics are shoe inserts designed to optimize the anatomical position of the foot and ankle, which can increase your efficiency of movement and decrease your pain. They can reduce unnecessary stress on your feet by improving your alignment and correcting certain motion that takes place during the gait cycle.

Orthotics have been used to improve the symptoms of many conditions including:

-Plantar fasciitis
-Achille’s tendonitis
-Pes planus (flat feet)
-Hallux valgus (bunions)
-Excessive overpronation
-Foot pain and fatigue
-Knee pain
-Back pain
-Arthritis, and more…

However, not everyone is an appropriate candidate for orthotics and they can sometimes be over-prescribed. We complete a thorough biomechanical exam and gait analysis to determine whether they would be useful for you. If we think you would benefit from them, we make a 3D plaster cast of both feet and send them to Paris Orthotics to manufacture the true custom orthotic.

We want you to be aware that orthotics are often only part of the healing process. Physiotherapy treatment can also be customized to address the specific pain or injury you are suffering from. Balance retraining, muscle re-education, stretching, strengthening, proprioception exercises, agility training, mobilization techniques, and modification of your current footwear can also help with your recovery. We provide a comprehensive treatment plan, which may include orthotics, to help you maintain your active lifestyle.

Most extended health plans will cover some or all of the costs of custom orthotics. However, some plans require a physician’s referral for coverage. It is important to check with your coverage provider regarding the specific details of your plan.

We would be happy to assist you in determining if orthotics are right for you!

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